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Dead Silent - Project


This game is developed for entertainment and to study first team work inspiration by game story line design for play follow story game this is first time work on unity engine (HDRP).

Game Story

At paradise town There is a 22-year-old girl named Freda Rose. She only lives at home with her sister Anna Rose. Anna is 13 years old. They live together in a house in that town. She had to live together, because their father and mother were businessmen, one day her dad and mom went to see a job at a town called Silence Island since they were young until now and not never coming back, when they found out that their father and mother were gone, They thought will never see her father and her again. One day, Freda went shopping outside town with her sister Anna. On the way back and back, they go through the old tunnel, Few minutes later, An earthquake occurred and very strange everything around her slowly darkened. Freda fell asleep to the earthquake. When she woke up, everything was no longer the same, because the city that she used to live in was not the city she used to live in anymore?






Gameplay Goal

Look for the missing sister and find a way out of the city full of fear. Take on the role of a young boy who sets up with a friend to explore an abandoned house but meets a serial killer who is trying to be a victim. He must try to escape from that place. The game has a dodging system. And jump over And still have to maintain the durability of the battery and flashlight not all to be used to escape

In order to play, the player has to solve the puzzle of the game as well and know and understand the story of the game.


Pre -Alpha

Project Status : Under delvelopment (Developing)


Mr. Wachaphon Butrat (Coding, Modeling, Game Design)

Mr. Jasada Moon (Modeling, Theme Design, Level Design, Game Design)

Game Engine

Unity Engine 2019.4.8f1

System Preview

Example Prototype
(sorry for game play video was deleted only has game menu left)

Main features

- First person character controller.

- Story pattern system.
- 3D GUI system

- Interaction system example flashlight, door etc.

- Game event system.


119/11 Mahasarakham,






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